Sustainability in the Softrend Group

Keeping in mind the future of our planet and future generations, consumption around the world must become more sustainable. However, consumers can only make sustainable choices if offered the opportunity by manufacturers. Understanding the scope of our responsibilities, we are also in the process of implementing a future strategy for sustainability within the Softrend Group.

Priorities of Softrend’s sustainability stategy

Softrend’s vision of sustainability relies on three principles, originating from United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.




The Softrend Group’s contribution to a healthier environment

As a part of the furniture industry, we leave a discernible imprint on the environment through our activities. We can reduce this imprint through activities that impact the entire lifecycle of the Softrend Group’s products.

  • By preferring materials that are recyclable and free of harmful chemicals, we reduce the strain placed on the environment.
  • By designing products to last, we extend their useful life and reduce the need to replace them.
  • By focusing on the ease of product disassembly as early as the design phase, we can significantly improve their recyclability and the recoverability of details.
  • By optimising products’ resource efficiency and weight, we reduce the cost of storage and transportation.

1. Eco-labelled products

We are applying for the Ecolabel, or other ecolabels, for more products, thereby reducing their harmful environmental impacts.

2. Better recycling

We map the current state of reusability and recyclability of components, intermediate products, and materials, and set related goals for the future.

3. Circular economy products

We are increasingly bringing products in line with the principles of the circular economy, i.e., we are enabling these products to be repaired, upgraded, renovated, etc.

4. More sustainable packaging and waste

We are eliminating single-use plastic tools and finding alternatives. We are increasing the share of recyclable waste materials and reducing waste in accordance with the ISO14001:2015 standard.

5. Renewable energy use

Already today, we use 100% green energy in our production.

6. CO2 reduction

To reduce our CO2 footprint, we must first calculate its size.


Our social responsibility

In addition to the environment, the well-being of people is also of importance to the Softrend Group. This ambition includes our suppliers, our employees and end customers who will be using our products.

  • We contribute to the well-being of our employees by providing them with a stable and safe working environment – this also impacts the quality of our products.
  • It is also important for us to stand up for the working conditions and rights of the employees in our value chain.
  • We want to offer our customers products that are of high quality, practical, and safe for their health.

1. Compliance with the REACH regulation

In the interests of end-user health, it is important to use materials that have not been treated with harmful chemicals and that conform to the REACH Regulation.

2. Safer working environment

As a manufacturing company, the safety and health of our working environment are of utmost importance to us. Improving occupational safety within the Softrend Group is an ongoing process.

3. Increased job satisfaction

We contribute to our employees’ satisfaction by offering a living wage, necessary trainings, and personal development opportunities.

  • We implement flexible working conditions and enable work-life balance.
  • We strive to be the most attractive employer in the Estonian furniture industry.

4. More comprehensive selection of suppliers

For us to apply for quality labels for our products, we prefer suppliers whose sustainability principles converge with the principles of the Softrend Group.

Sustainable management

We follow best business management practices, ensuring anti-corruption measures, avoidance of conflicts of interest, and transparency in all business activities.

Business ethics

  • Business integrity ensures good relations with partners, on which Softrend Group’s supply security depends.
  • Our management system complies with the ISO 9001:2015 standard. The processes, procedures and responsibilities established by this standard ensure that the Softrend Group’s products always meet customers’ requirements and expectations.

We’re already on the right path

Manufacturing to order

Keeping large stocks is not an environmentally friendly approach. That is why we manufacture products based on customer orders. This way we can be sure that we are only producing what is really needed.

Circular economy product design

More and more of our products are based on circular economy principles, i.e., they are repairable, can be refurbished, and sent for recycling at the end of their useful lives.

A good example is Flow – launched in 2024 – which is simple to assemble-disassemble, allowing for worn-out components to be easily replaced.

Each year, we are redesigning 3–4 products in a similar manner.

Well-thought-out standard materials

We direct our customers towards recycled materials, offering them as a standard fabric option for furniture. Our standard fabrics:

  • come from sustainable sources;
  • do not contain toxic substances;
  • are designed to last;
  • have a smaller carbon footprint;
  • are recyclable.

Certified wood

In the manufacture of our wooden parts, we are already using 90% FSC-certified wood.

Less waste

To reduce waste, we follow the ISO 1400:2015 standard, but we have also implemented other activities. When cutting fabric we use a special cutting machine, which minimises fabric waste. The resulting waste is used to make decorative pillows and cloth bags.

We buy in the foam rubber parts in the most accurate dimensions possible, with the resulting waste being used by our cooperation partner in the production of pillow inserts.

Sustainable packaging

In Estonia, we already pack Softrend sofas and beds in reusable packaging.

Successful companies understand the importance of office design

Several leading companies have taken the direction of offering their employees a diverse work environment where they feel good. We are happy to be their cooperation partner.