Sometimes, there’s not enough space for a comfortable sofa, but you still want to make waiting comfortable. The day is saved by the soft leaning wall Hover, which you can lean on to pass the time alone or chatting with a companion.
Hover is brilliantly space-saving and fits perfectly in places where you might need to stand, such as at the airport, in a corridor, or behind a meeting room door. Placed in the office kitchen or in an in-between space, it provides a convenient spot for exchanging ideas with a colleague on the go. Hover is available as a module in four different sizes. By adding a coffee table and a power socket, you can even get work done while leaning. Quickly installable and featuring easily replaceable fabric, Hover also offers noise-dampening properties thanks to its foam and perforated inner panel. Hover is designed for disassembly fully embracing the principles of circular design.
Available in 4 different modules
See the dimensions on the Product Sheet
Tables to add functionality to the standing area
Electrical outlet
Available options DK, EU, FR, UK
5 years
Embraces fully the principles of circular design
Test & Certification
Acoustic absorption test – Class B
Metal profiles, button-fix
Solid wood slats, perforated MDF-plate
Durable and fire resistant HR-foam
Tables: Valchromat MDF top
Additional information
The cover fabric is removable
Fabric upholstery
Choose any fabric from Intuit Standard Fabric Collection. For extra acoustic attenuation acoustic fabrics recommended.
More than just a wall decoration.
Karl Kukk on tootedisainer, kes tunneb oma ala vastu tõelist kirge. Tal on kogemusi erinevatest tööstusharudes, mis täiustab tema võimet näha oma disainilahenduste praktilist ja tegelikku mõju. Karl keskendub selgele dialoogile ja koostööle, uskudes, et need on võti toodete loomisel, mis on nii esteetiliselt meeldivad kui ka funktsionaalsed.
Ta väärtustab kõrgelt selliste toodete disainimist, mis on vastupidavad ja omavad inimeste igapäevaelus peent, kuid positiivset mõju. Ta on pühendunud lihtsate ja tõhusate disainilahenduste pakkumisele, mis seavad esikohale kasutajakogemuse ja jätkusuutlikkuse.